How to join Stafford Choral Society
If you enjoy singing and would like to join us we would love to hear from you. We don’t audition but most of our members can read music or have a basic understanding of the ‘mechanics’!
Everyone is welcome, particularly tenors and basses.
You can come and ‘try us out’ for a couple of rehearsals before making a final decision. Subscriptions in 2024/25 are £170 for the year which can be paid in 2 instalments of £85 each in September and January.
In order to make SCS more accessible for younger members there will be no subscription charge for members under the age of 21 or for members under the age of 25 who are in full time education.
Contact our Membership Secretary, Gwyneth Pierpoint on 01785 256186
OR Beryl Whincup on 01785 823591 or
OR send a message via our facebook page.