
The Society was formed in 1946 and gave its first concert in December that year performing Messiah under the direction of Dr. Coleman. Over 70 years later we are still singing and performing wonderful music ranging from Choral Classics such as Mendelssohn’s Elijah and Haydn’s Creation to modern works by composers such as Will Todd and John Rutter.

We rehearse every Monday evening during school term time at ENTRUST, Riverway, Stafford. In September 2022 we appointed  Charlie Perry as our Musical Director, supported by our Assistant Musical Director / Accompanist, Sam Hayes.

Look at our ‘Rehearsals’ Page and ‘How to Join’ for further information. Read about the ‘History of Stafford Choral Society’ and ‘Past Concerts’ to get a feel for who we are.

We hope you enjoy the information on our website. If you don’t wish to sing with us perhaps you would like to support us by attending our concerts. See our facebook page for up-to-date information on our rehearsals and other activities.

The Society is indebted to the many friends who, by their interest and financial support, are ensuring its continuance.